
Loka's Turn

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ElviraTepes's avatar

Literature Text

Casper woke in the wee hours of the morning to the twins crying in their sleep. He had given birth to them 4 years ago. He noticed that the twins didn't like to be away from him for too long. He sighed and touched Loka's side. "Loka wake up, the twins are crying." A few months after they were born the king agreed to let Loka live with Casper and their children. Loka had been the happiest person in the world when he met his children.

Loka sat up and nodded. "Yeah, the kids." He wiped his eyes and sat there. Casper pushed at him as he stood. "Yeah, I'm coming." He stood and followed Casper to where their children were sleeping. He went to his son Caesar's bed. He picked him up and held him close. "Relax honey, father's here." He looked at Casper with their daughter Luna. "Is she ok?" He smiled when he saw Casper holding their daughter close. He smiled. "Why don't we just take them to bed with us? We may actually sleep that way."

Casper sighed. "Loka they need to learn to sleep in their own bed not ours. If we keep taking them to bed with us they'll cry if we put them in their bed." He rocked Luna gently as she held onto his shirt. He smiled at Luna. "Hi honey, who's my good girl?" He kissed her gently.

Loka smiled. "Yeah, she loves you a lot. I think she's gonna be a daddy's girl." He smiled at their son and noticed he was asleep. "Caesar fell asleep love."

Casper looked at him and smiled. "Now if only his sister would follow suit." Loka nodded. "Loka if it was possible would you ever want more kids in a few years?" Loka thought about it before nodding happily. "Yeah me too." Loka put Caesar back in his crib and went to stand by Casper.

"Go to sleep kid, me and mommy are tired." Luna giggled at Loka. "No playing around, go to sleep." Loka kissed her and took her from Casper. Luna grabbed at Loka's nightshirt. "No honey, sleep. Sleep is good." He looked at Casper. "I have the feeling she wakes wanting us then wakes her brother." Casper nodded. Loka set Luna down and led Casper from the room. They heard their Luna whimper but then she got silent. They went back to bed and laid down.


Casper and Loka sat in their room as the twins sat on the floor playing. Loka's father Zerdak Goldeye had just left a few minutes after giving them a tray of tea. There was a cup sitting in front of Loka and one in front of Casper. Not paying attention Loka grabbed the one meant for Casper. He drank it and smiled at Casper. He went to set the tea down. "Oh honey I took yours I'm sorry. You can have mine ok?" Casper nodded and took it. Loka set his tea in front of himself. He leaned on Casper and smiled at him.

Casper touched his arm. "So honey, I was thinking. We could put the twins to bed early and have a little adult fun." Loka smiled. Casper smiled back and kissed him. "I love you Loka."

Loka smiled back. "I love you too Casper." He pulled Casper close and hugged him. They broke apart when Luna walked over to them and pulled on their pants. Loka looked at her. "Hi princess."

She put her hands above her head "Papa up." Loka picked her up. A few seconds later Caesar came over and Casper held him. Both men played with their children and smiled.

Later that night both men laid alone in bed. The twins were down for the night and Loka pulled Casper as close as possible. Casper had his leg over Loka's as they kissed each other. Loka growled sexually as his mouth went to Casper's neck. Casper arched into him and gasped. "Oh Loka," he panted. "Loka."

Loka looked at him with passion in his eyes. "Yes?" Casper smiled at the man he loved. "I love you Casper."

"I love you too Loka." They kissed more. Zerdak sat at his crystal ball watching his son and Casper make out. The crystal ball was still showing a fuzzy picture but he knew it was them. He knew the pregnancy potion he put in Casper's tea would be taking affect by now. He smiled happily knowing that there would be new babies in 9 months. After a few more minutes he left his crystal ball and went to bed.

A few weeks later Loka woke feeling sick. He ran to the bathroom and puked up his dinner from the night before. He groaned and sat on the floor after expelling the contents of his stomach. Casper walked in and kneeled by him. "Are you ill?" Loka nodded. "What is bothering you my love?"

"My stomach, it hurts." Casper held Loka close.

"Well how about I take you down to see Maika ok?" Casper asked with compassion. Loka nodded and let Casper help him up. "Come on babe." Loka's tall frame leaned on his tiny one. One the way down the Maika's office in the castle Loka would occasionally moan and wince at the pain in his belly. He handed Loka off to the Maika and Amerto, he  waited impatiently. A few minutes later Maika walked out. "Is Loka ok?"

Maika nodded. "Casper he will need your help right now." Casper felt like something was terribly wrong. "Loka asked me to let him tell you what's going on. So if you'll go see him he'll tell you."

Casper nodded and walked in. "Loka?" Casper walked in and saw Loka lying on a bed with a hand over his belly. "Honey are you ok?"

Loka nodded. "Casper come here." He patted the empty spot on the bed. Casper sat on the empty spot. "Casper I…Maika said that I'm pregnant." He smiled at the man he loved, the person who gave him children.

Casper gasped. "You're pregnant?" Loka nodded and Casper hugged him tight. "Oh honey, this is great. Luna and Caesar will get siblings." Loka looked confused. "They will be a big brother and sister to the baby."

Loka nodded. "Yeah. That is true." He pulled Casper closer and smiled as he rubbed his chin in Casper's hair. Casper sighed and rested his hand on Loka's belly.

The next day Loka was surprised to see his father again. "Hi pa." He smiled at him with a hand over his belly. Zerdak smiled at him. "Pa we have news. We're gonna be parents again."

Zerdak immediately went to Casper. "Congratulations Casper." Casper shook his head. "What?" Casper pointed to Loka. "Loka? You're pregnant?" Loka nodded. "Loka, did you drink the tea I put out for Casper?"

He nodded. "Yeah, it was an accident. I wasn't looking and accidentally took his. Why?"

Casper looked at him. "Zerdak was this your doing again?" He nodded. "You did something to my tea?" Zerdak nodded again. "Tell me what you did."

Zerdak sighed. "I put a pregnancy potion in  your cup of tea so that the next time you had relations you would get pregnant. But my son messed up and now he's pregnant." Zerdak sighed. "You need to pay attention Loka."

Loka sighed. "Sorry pa, I was watching the kids. I wasn't paying attention to what I grabbed."

Zerdak sighed and looked at him. "Loka you know you can't shift til that baby is born right?" Loka nodded. "Good, and no more hunting either. Nothing can happen to you or that baby."

Loka nodded again. "Ok pa. I promise." Zerdak sighed and left. Loka looked at Casper. "Casper, I love you so much." Casper walked to him and hugged him. "Casper I want to say I am glad this is happening. I can know what it was like for you to have Caesar and Luna." He smiled brightly.

Casper smiled. "Yeah you can, and I want you to take it easy from now on ok?" Loka nodded and they went to the sitting room to relax.

~Month 1~

A month has passed since Loka got pregnant. Now came the time to tell Luna and Caesar about the baby. Casper sat by Luna on the couch with the twins on their laps. Casper smiled as his son and daughter tried to play with them. "Caesar, Luna no playing right now, we have something important to tell you both."

Luna looked up at Loka. "What is it papa?" Loka smiled at her. Caesar looked at his parents wondering what they had to tell them.

"Luna, Caesar, you're gonna be a big brother and sister. I'm gonna have a baby." Loka said with a smile.

Caesar looked at him. "Really?" Loka nodded. "But father, how is that possible. You said Luna and I are a miracle that was rare. How can you have a baby?"

Loka looked confused not fully understanding what his son said. Casper looked at him. "Well Caesar remember how we told you that grandpa Zerdak put a spell on me and your father that made it so we could have you?" Caesar nodded. "Well he put another spell on us and now your father is pregnant." Caesar nodded. "Luna are you happy?"

She nodded and hugged Loka. "Papa is gonna have a baby. I can't wait to help with it."

Loka laughed. "You'll need to wait a while Luna. The baby won't be born for 8 more months." Luna sighed. "Relax baby, you can still help me before the baby is born ok?" she nodded and he smiled brightly.

~Month 2~

Loka laid in bed after puking in the bathroom. It was only 4 AM. He felt like crud as he rolled onto his side and pulled Casper close. Casper woke and looked at him. "Loka what are you doing up?"

"Had to barf." He said weakly.

Casper could see he was pale. He felt bad for Loka cause only 4 years ago he was in the same position. "Want me to make you some tea to make you feel better?" Loka nodded. "Ok, I'll be right back." He kissed Loka, went downstairs, and made the tea. On his way back to their room he checked on their children who were sleeping peacefully in their beds. He smiled and walked back to his room. Once in his room he set the tea on the bedside table. He turned on the light and sat on the bed. He poured Loka's tea and handed it to him. "Here this will make you feel better babe."

Loka took it and smiled. "Thanks." He sipped it and sighed. "That helped some. Thank you Casper." He set the cup down and laid his head on Casper's lap. "Was it like this when you were gonna have the kids?" Casper nodded as he ran a hand through Loka's hair.

"Loka I am sorry you have to go through this. I thought your father was gonna stop trying to use his magic on us but I guess I was wrong. But just think, soon you will be enjoying the pregnancy." Casper said lovingly. Loka nodded and fell asleep with his head in Casper's lap.

He woke the next morning to Caesar and Luna jumping on the bed. He groaned as the shifting of the bed made him feel sick again. He got up and ran into the bathroom. Casper sighed as he heard Loka expelling the contents of his stomach. He pulled his children close. "Kids no more jumping on the bed ok?"

Caesar looked at Casper. "But dad, it's fun." Luna giggled as she held onto her mother. "Dad is father going to be ok?"

"Your father will be fine Caesar. The baby just makes him sick for now. In a few months he'll be perfectly fine."

Luna looked at Casper. "Daddy?" he looked at her. "Daddy is papa gonna be able to play?"

"Yeah honey, papa will be able to play. But as things happen it will be harder for him to play as often as he does ok?" she nodded. "Ok. Why don't you go play with your brother in the other room alright?" Luna nodded and jumped to the floor to chase Caesar. Casper stood and went to the bathroom. "Hey Loka?" he saw Loka lying against the wall panting. Casper flushed the toilet and sat by Loka. "Hey you ok?"

Loka smiled weakly. "Yeah I will be. This baby is just being fierce like me." He leaned into Casper for comfort. "Casper this baby is attacking me." Casper sighed and wrapped his arms around him.

~Month 3~

Loka has still been puking as his body adjusted to the baby inside. He had another visit with Maika to see how he is doing. He laid on the bed and the doctor started to examine him. He kept his gaze on Casper the entire time. He noticed lately his belly his getting more firm and that he is gaining weight. The doctor looked at him. "Loka?" Loka looked up. "Good news Loka, you're having quadruplets." Casper gasped.

Casper looked at Maika. "Are you sure?" She nodded. Casper looked at Loka and noticed he looked confused. "Loka you're having four babies." Loka gasped as he finally understood.

Maika smiled. "Congratulations. So Loka this means you need to eat a lot more than you normally do." He nodded. "Any questions?" Loka shook his head. "Alright. Well take it easy ok?" Loka nodded and went to his and Casper's room as his hand rubbed the small bump to his belly.

Loka looked at Casper. "How much potion did pa put in your tea?" Casper shrugged and back up so Loka could stand. Both men walked to their room hand in hand. Loka looked at Casper. "So are you really happy that we are having the babies?" Casper nodded. "Babe I must admit I am kinda scared. I mean you had two babies and look what it did to you. Will four babies be bad for me?"

Casper shrugged. "I don't know Loka but I do know that no matter what I am here for you." Casper kissed him and smiled. "I really love you Loka."

~Month 4~

Loka woke up and touched his belly which had gotten bigger over the past month. He also noticed that bending over was getting harder as well. He sighed as he got out of bed after noticing Casper gone. He figured that Casper was caring for the twins. As he sat up he noticed it was the first time he had gone without expelling the contents of his previous feeding. He rubbed his belly with a smile. "Morning babies."

He got up and went to check on his family. He found Casper in the sitting room with the kids. He smiled as Luna ran to him. "Papa!" He picked her up and set her on his hip. She hugged him tight. "Hi papa. How is the babies?"

Loka kissed her cheek. "The babies are fine Luna." He sat by Casper and set Luna on his lap. "Morning Casper." He leaned over and kissed him. "Caesar why won't you come say hi?" He felt sadness in his heart. Caesar said nothing but looked away. Loka sighed and looked at Casper. "Did I do something wrong?"

Casper shook his head. "Caesar get over here, don't make me come get you." Caesar sighed and came over. "Why are you being mean to your father?" again Caesar said nothing. "Caesar Autumnblade! Talk to me!"

"NO!" Caesar yelled in anger. He crossed his arms over his tiny chest.

"Why not?" Casper looked at his son wondering what was making him act weird.

"Cause father is mean to me!" Caesar got up and ran off to another room.

Loka looked at Casper with wonder and worry. "I'll be back." He handed Luna to Casper and went to see what was bothering his son. "Caesar?" He found Caesar in his room on his bed. "Caesar can I sit?" when Caesar said nothing he sat by him. "What is bothering you kid? What did I do wrong?" again Caesar said nothing. "Caesar please talk to me. What did I do?"

"You always talk about the babies anymore! All you do is worry about them! What about Luna and me? We came first! Why are they taking you away?" Loka felt his heart breaking.

"Oh Caesar!" Loka hugged him. "I didn't let the babies take you away from me. I would never do that. I love you and you sister so much. I know you both came first, I was there." He smiled. "It's just that I am worried. We have no idea what this will do to me. So of course I will talk about the babies. I am just really worried about it all." He hugged Caesar close and kissed him. "I love you." at that moment Loka felt a weird shifting in his belly but ignored it. "Caesar I am sorry that I made you feel this way. Just tell me how I can fix it."

Caesar sighed. "Just be there. Just have half an hour where you don't talk about the babies. Have a conversation, read to us, just be there ok father?" Loka nodded and hugged his son a second time.

"Ok kid, now when you're ready just come back to the sitting room alright?" Caesar nodded and Loka went back. He sighed and sat down. "Casper I'm hungry, my belly keeps churning." Casper looked at him with a  raised eyebrow. Loka smiled when Casper leaned into him and put a hand over his stomach. At that exact moment the shifting returned and Casper back away in shock. "Casper? What is it?"

"Loka didn't you feel that?" Loka nodded thinking Casper was referring to his growling belly. "Loka the babies just moved."

"That was the babies? I've been feeling that for a while now! I thought it was my stomach yelling at me to eat." He smiled proudly.

~Month 5~

Loka's belly was definitely noticeable now. Last month he had a bump that could be hidden under clothes, but now nothing could hide the lives protruding from his abdomen. He sighed as the babies kicked at him in rapid succession. "Do you really have to kick me like that?" Loka asked his shifting belly. He knew that the babies couldn't answer him but he thought he would give it a try. Zerdak Goldeye walked into the room and Loka smiled at him. "Hi pa."

Zerdak smiled back. "Hi Loka. How are you feeling?" Loka shrugged. "Son I am sorry this happened to you. I really am. I didn't even expect you to get pregnant with four babies. I think my potion backfired a little. Can you forgive me?" Loka stood and hugged his father. "Is that a yes then?"

"Yes pa, you're forgiven." Loka smiled. "So pa, the Maika says that the babies are all healthy and that I have nothing to worry about so far."

Zerdak smiled at him. "I am glad. Are you feeling ok?" Loka nodded and rubbed his belly affectionately. "So Loka are you happy?" Loka nodded. "Really happy? not just lie to my father happy?"

Loka laughed. "Pa I'm really happy. I love Casper and I love the twins and I love these babies." Zerdak nodded and hugged him. "I also love you pa."

Zerdak smiled. "Love you too Loka."

~Month 6~

Loka noticed that it was getting harder to move around and bend over. He always had one hand on his belly and the other on his back for support. Sometimes he could be found with both hands trying to support his back. He slowly waddled with Casper to go downstairs for dinner. He sighed and rubbed his back. "Casper this really is hurting my back."

Casper smiled at him. "I know baby, I know. But just a few more months and it's all over. Just four short months and we get to meet our beautiful babies." Loka sighed and rubbed the small of his back. Casper stood on his tip toes and kissed Loka. "Love you."

Loka smiled. "Love you too. Can we just get downstairs so I can sit down. The babies are attacking me like a battalion. They won't give me a break." Casper felt compassion for him. They started to finish their slow walk to the dining hall. By the time they got there the twins were already sitting in their seats patiently waiting to eat. Loka got to his chair and slowly lowered his body into it. He sighed and relaxed some. Casper sat in his chair next to him and smiled.

Casper kissed him before looking at everyone else. When dinner was served they all ate happily. Loka regretted the long walk back to their room. He sighed and started about 10 minutes after dinner was over and everyone went back to their rooms or to do various other things. Casper again walked by his side on the way to their room. "So Loka, how do we decide the names for these babies?" Loka shrugged. "Just gonna wing it?" Loka nodded.

"Casper this really is a pain. I'm always sore and moody. I want to run in the woods but I am afraid that I will end up doing something that can hurt the babies." Loka rubbed his belly trying to calm the lives within. "All they do is kick me all day!"

Casper smiled. "That is normal love."

~Month 7~

Loka laid in bed now that Maika had put him on bed rest til the birth. He is only allowed to move around for mandatory things. He smiled as the twins came to visit him. He sat up and smiled at them. "Hey you two, how are you doing?"

Luna smiled. "Good papa. Daddy says that you need to stay in bed now. Are you ok?"

Loka nodded. "I am fine Luna. Doctor Maika just wants to make sure the babies are ok so she put me on bed rest." He hugged and kissed his children as they got close. "Are you being good for your dad Caesar?"

Caesar nodded. "Yes father, we've been helping him with various things." Loka smiled. "So are you feeling ok?"

Loka nodded and touched his belly. "The babies think I am a play zone or something. All they do is move and kick." Luna felt her father's stomach. Loka smiled. "If you move your hand around they will play with you." Luna did and laughed. "Told ya."

~Month 8~

Loka woke to a sharp pain in his stomach. He moaned and reached for Casper. "Casper, something is wrong." Casper mumbled and rolled onto his side. Loka sat up and clutched his belly. "Casper please get up, the babies are coming."

At that moment Casper jumped up. "Did you say the babies are coming?" Loka nodded as he panted. "Alright come on, we need to get you to Maika." Loka nodded. "Come on love. I can send one of the servants to watch the kids for us." Loka nodded again as he stood. He walked to Casper and kissed him. "Come on Loka, we can do this."

Both men slowly made their way down to Maika's office. Once there Casper practically knocked down the door. When Maika finally opened the door Loka was in extreme pain. "Come on in, I'll wake Amerto and we'll get this over with. Casper you will have to wait out here."

Casper kissed Loka one last time and then watched Maika lead him away. For the whole 30 minutes that it took Casper paced the tiny hall hoping that the man he loves would be alright. When Maika opened the door Casper looked at her. "Are Loka and he babies ok?" Maika nodded. "Can I see them?"

Again she nodded. "But I need to tell you something." At that moment Casper felt like something was wrong. "There are five babies. One baby hid behind the four we saw originally." Casper let out a sigh of relief. "Come on Casper, come meet your new family members."

Maika led Casper in. He saw Amerto cleaning up from the birth. Loka laid on the bed with 5 babies lying by his side since he couldn't hold them all. Casper smiled. "Hey Loka." He walked closer to the bed still kinda nervous.

"Hi, this one," Loka pointed to a little girl. "This one hid behind her brothers and sister." Loka smiled in pride. "Three boys and two girls. We need to think of names for them." Casper walked over to the side of the bed and smiled at the little babies. They were only a month premature but were perfectly healthy.

Casper leaned down and kissed Loka. "They are beautiful Loka."

Loka nodded. "Yeah now that they are here I am so happy." Casper smiled. "My back doesn't hurt anymore." Casper laughed. "I love you Casper."

"Love you too."

~3 Days old~

The babies were sleeping soundly in their cribs. Loka and Casper stood over the cribs watching their newborn family members sleep. When Caesar and Luna met the babies they were ecstatic. Luna was already trying to help her parent with the babies. Whenever they were being changed she would hand her parents diapers and whatever other things they needed.

Casper looked at Loka. "Babe they need names. They are three days old now."

Loka nodded. "Well I was thinking we could call the one that hid from us Kamiyi."

Casper smiled. "That is a great name. And maybe the oldest boy can be Constantine?" Loka nodded. "And the other girl can be named Lilia after your mother?"

Loka got teary eyed. "Yeah that would be great. And then maybe we can name one Zerdak after pa and the other boy can be Matheos?" Casper nodded and kissed him.
well :icontossu-sama: made a contest and this is my submission
© 2011 - 2024 ElviraTepes
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honeydrop1's avatar
Very cute hun and just found the origenal story and cant wait to read it cause they are just such a cute cupole <333