
Concrete Lies

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Literature Text

Concrete Lies

Tony was walking down the street towards his home when he heard someone whimper form the alley next to him. He walked down the alley and saw a person leaning against a building cowering in fear and pain. "Are you alright?" The person tried to get away. "Please I just want to help you." The person looked at him with tears in their eyes, they leaned back more against the building and he could see what the person was hiding. Their hands were over their rounded stomach.

The person looked up at Tony with fear. "Please, you must save my baby." Tony was surprised, the voice sounded male. "If anything happens you must raise my baby." Tony looked confused. "There are people after me and my baby. They want to harm him." The man groaned in pain. "Please save him, he must live. He can fix everything." The man groaned again and hugged his stomach. "Please help us."

"Alright, just tell me what to do, I will help you." The man groaned and pointed to a bag on the ground. Tony went to it and brought it back, "Here." The man took it and pulled out a blanket; he handed it to Tony. Tony took the blanket in his hands and watched as the man spread his legs and started to push. The man grunted as the head of his child became visible. "Good, I can see his head. Keep going." Tony caught the baby as it entered the world. Tony cleaned off the baby and wrapped him in the blanket handing him to the man. The man smiled down at his son; he looked up in fear as he heard voices. "What is it? What's wrong?"

The man handed the baby to Tony. "Take him away from here. Please just go. I will come for him when it is safe again." The man looked down the alley towards the sounds. "Name him Angelico, please keep him safe; don't let anything happen to him, he is an Angel by nature please keep him safe." Tony took the baby and ran.

The man watched his son go away with a man he barely knows and is not sure he can trust. But he refused to let the men get his child. The man looked at the people looking for him. "Hello Tigon, where is the baby?"

"My son is safe, you will never find him. He is safe now. He can make all of you regret being alive once he is of age. You will regret everything you have done to my people." Tigon said with confidence. "You will never find him Talon; you will never find our son. He is safe now."

Talon walked to Tigon and grabbed him by his shirt lifting him off the ground. "Tell me where he is or I will kill you. Why did you do something as stupid as hide my son from me?!?" Tigon shivered in fear and pain as another cramp wracked his body. "What is wrong Tigon? Why are you so afraid of me?"

"I'm not afraid of you, our son just hurt me." Tigon clutched his stomach as another cramp came over him. He gasped when he felt liquid between his legs. 'No, not another one. Please god, I cannot send one baby to safety and put the other in danger.' He groaned as he felt pressure against his pelvis. "Take me home Talon, I need to go home."

"Why would you want to go home? I thought you hated me." He checked Tigon and saw that there was another baby; a girl. "Well, I may not have our son, but I have our daughter, she is just as useful as her brother," Talon teleported them home and awaited the birth of his daughter.

Tony ran into his apartment holding the little boy in his arms. The child squirmed in his arms and whimpered. "You must be hungry little one. But what do you eat? I never raised a baby before. Your mom said to name you Angelico. Well Angelico you are gonna live with me for a while, I guess we are gonna become friends."

~15 Years Later~

"Dad, where is my notebook?" Angelico walked into the living room and saw his dad sitting on the couch. "Dad my notebook went missing, I need it. If anyone reads it, I will go insane. No one is allowed to read my stories but me, please help me find it!"

"Alright relax, where is the last place you remember seeing it?" Tony watched his son intently. "Angel!"

"I don't know. I can't remember!" Angel sat on the couch with his head on his hands. "Dad I am so screwed. Those stories are very private. I wrote them just for me." Tony sat next to his son and put his arms around him. "What am I gonna do?"

"Relax, we will find it, I promise you that. Just think, when did you see it last?" Angel shook his head. "Alright, you go check your room and I will check the kitchen and in here." Angel nodded and walked away. Tony looked in the entire couch and walked to the kitchen. "Angel!"

Angel walked downstairs and smiled when he saw his dad holding his notebook. "Oh my god, thank you! Where did you find it?" He took the notebook and held it close to his chest.

"It was in the cabinet. Why would you put it there?" Angel shrugged. "Alright, well I have to go out for a minute; will you be ok here alone?" Angel nodded. Tony grabbed his keys and walked to the door. "Don't break anything, I will be back soon." Angel grunted and waved as his dad left.

Angel went into his room and grabbed his MP3 player. He laid back on his bed with a sigh. He sat up when he heard a noise in the living room. He got up thinking his dad forgot something. He stopped short when he saw a strange person sitting on the couch. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

The man looked back at Angel. "Angelico, my little boy. You look just like your sister."

"Listen man, I don't have a sister and I am not your little boy. Who the hell are you?" Angel backed towards the cabinet behind him where his father let him keep a collection of knives and swords.

"My name is Tigon Shadowheart. 15 years ago, I ran away from an evil man. He wanted to hurt the baby inside me, which was you Angelico. The man you call your dad found me that night. He took you and ran away. I told him I would come back for you when it was right and you were safe. Well that time has come; your sister needs you. Your real father wants to hurt her. In a few days you will start to change, you will be able to do things you never did before."

Angel reached into the cabinet and pulled out a broadsword. "Listen I don't believe you and I am not gonna. Now if you want to stay in one piece you better leave." Angel backed up, tripped over his feet, and fell when the sword floated out of his hand and to the man. "How the fuck did you do that?"

"It is one of the many things i can do. I am glad you can handle a sword, but not if you use it against your own mother. I would not care if you used it against your father, but not me ok?" Angel and Tigon looked as the door opened.

Tony dropped the bags he was holding in surprise. "Oh my god, you came back. Are you gonna him away now?" Tony looked upset at the idea of losing Angel.

"No, I am not taking him Tony. I came to warn him; soon he will get his powers. His sister just got hers and that means he will too." Tony looked confused. "It seems that night I was wrong, after you ran with him I had a daughter as well. She is at my house right now, but their father is starting to get cruel. He noticed that Angelico's sister Almeria got her powers so he is trying to find our son." Tigon walked to Angelico and helped him up. "Angelico I know this is hard to understand, but you have to listen to me."

"Dad, what is going on here? What are you two talking about?" Angel looked between Tony and Tigon. "Dad?"

Tony sighed. "Angel come in the kitchen for a minute, we need to talk." Tony looked towards the man. "Uh......" He realized he never learned the man's name.

"My name is Tigon."

"Tigon, I will be right back, just stay here ok." Tigon nodded and sat on the couch while holding the sword. "Come on Angel." He put his arm around Angel and pushed him towards the kitchen. "Angel, everything Tigon says is true." He told Angel about the day he found Tigon and about what happened. "I have been guarding you for the past 15 years. I was not sure if Tigon would come back, but I loved you like a father loves his son. That is what you are to me angel. I hope you will still love me even though we are not even related."

"Dad, so we are just...;so that guy is really my mom?" Tony nodded. "Dad is there a chance I can talk to him alone?" Tony nodded and sat in the chair closest to him. Angel walked into the living room and saw Tigon twirling the sword. "Tigon?" Tigon looked at him with a smile. "Listen, I am sorry I tried to hurt you, but it is kinda scary to have a man just appear in my house. Can you please tell me about my life and what is going on?"

"Sure, you are special. You are a draconian. You have a power inside you that can save us all. Your father is not the nicest man; I came here because he wanted to hurt our child, which was you and your sister. Originally, I thought I was only having you, I had Tony take you somewhere safe. After Tony ran off with you, I sat in the alley as your father came up to me. Then I found out about your sister, she was born at my house." Tigon looked scared. "Listen I have to go, I will be back in a few days and I will bring your sister with me. I want you to keep that sword with you at all times. I made it so it will adapt to you. Be careful and pay attention to everything, if something looks off then trust your instincts. I love you Angelico." Tigon kissed angel and teleported out.

Angel walked into the kitchen with the sword in his hands. "Dad, what am I gonna do? Tigon said I am gonna change drastically. I am gonna get powers. So what does all this mean for us? I mean can I still call u dad. Why does everything have to change? Will you still love me once I change?"

"Angel come here." Angel went gladly into Tony's arms. "You can still call me dad if you want to. I will always love you and I will always have a place for you here if you ever choose to go with your mother."

~1 Week Later~

Angel noticed over the past week that he had gotten stronger and he got the powers his mother told him about. He smiled when he felt the presence of his mother enter the room. He turned and saw his mother standing with a girl. She looked like Angel but in female form. "Tigon!" He ran to Tigon and hugged him.

"Hey kiddo, well I kept my promise. I want you to meet your sister Almeria. Almeria, this is your brother Angelico, but he likes to be called Angel." Both children looked at each other with wonder. "Alright, we don't have time for you two to get acquainted like I hoped. Almeria I want you to stay here and help your brother with his powers. If you both are supposed to save our people, you need to help each other." Tigon hugged both of his children lovingly. "Please try to get along; I need you both to work together for everything to work out. Please promise me to give each other a chance, my life depends on it."

Almeria bowed before Tigon. "Yes momma, I promise. I can give this earthling a chance." She sneered at her brother.

"Almeria! He is not an earthling; he is your twin. Why else would you look exactly alike? Now stop it and be good. I can only hide from your father for so long. I just hope you two can hide long enough." Tigon hugged both kids again.

"Goodbye Tigon, I will do whatever I can to help you. I love you." Tigon let a tear stream down his face before teleporting out. Angel looked at his sister with wonder. "Hi, I'm Angel. Tigon told me a lot about you over the past week. I can say all of this has kinda freaked me out. Any advice?"

"Yeah, stay out of my way twerp. I am just here to teach you, after that we are through do you understand me?" Angel nodded. "Good, where is your sword that mom fixed for you?" Angel held out his hand and the sword appeared. "Who taught you to do that? I haven't learned that yet."

"I figured it out on my own actually. I can show you how if you want." Almeria sighed and walked away. Angel walked into the living room to find his dad sitting there. "Dad we have a new house guest for a while." He pulled Almeria into a hug. "Dad this is my sister Princess Almeria."

"Princess?" Angel nodded. "Does that mean that you are a Prince?" He nodded again. "Oh wow, does that mean I should bow to my own son?" Tony and Angel laughed. "Well Almeria, welcome to my home, anything that your brother and I share is yours."

"Thank you Tony. But that boy is not my brother, I am a Princess, he is just an earthling that looks like me and we share powers. Just cause he is like me that doesn't mean he is my brother. My brother would have grown up with me and would have been around on my planet. This boy that everyone calls my brother knows nothing about my planet and is not fit to be a Prince. I cannot believe that mother even had this ingrate." Almeria sighed and walked out into the front yard.

Angel looked at the ground and sighed. Tony walked over to Angel and hugged him. "Angel, you ok?" Angel nodded and walked to his room with his head held low. "Dammit!" Tony walked out to the yard and grabbed Almeria by her shoulders. "Listen to me young lady; in my house you treat everyone with respect. I don't care if you are a Princess, you will go to your brother and apologize to him. The only reason he is here is because when both of you were born your father wanted to kill both of you because you both could end his reign of terror.  Your mother brought Angel here and left him in my care so that both of you would be safe. So you can be nice to him or I will make your life a living hell, do you understand me?"

Almeria looked shocked. "NO ONE TOUCHES ME!" She shook free of Tony's grasp and threw him across the yard. Almeria walked over to where tony laid and kicked his side. "Never touch me again human." Almeria screamed when she was knocked to the ground. She looked up at the person who knocked her down.

Angel stood above her with his hands curled into fists.  "DO NOT HURT MY DAD!" He looked down at her with fury in his eyes. "No one hurts my dad, got it?" Almeria stood up and stood in front of him. almeria got up and stood in front of him.

"More proof you are not a draconian like me. I would not defend such a worthless creature." Angel lunged at her and knocked her to the ground a second time. "Get off of me you worthless rat!" They rolled across the ground as each tried to get a weakness over the other. Both kids squirmed as someone separated them. "Hey let me go." Almeria said as she looked at the man holding her. "Uncle Fox, this is not what it looks like."

"Oh really, it looks like you are trying to kill your brother. If it isn't that then what is going on?" He looked between both kids and set them back on their feet. "Almeria, go out in the house and cool off." She started to protest. "Go, I mean it!" She sighed and walked inside. Fox looked at Angel. "So you are the little brat I helped save. I am your uncle Fox. Your mom is my little brother, he sent me cause he could sense you two were fighting."

"Wow, uh...;hi." He looked confused. "Excuse my lack of anything, all this is still kinda new to me. I am still have to remember I can hurt dad if I'm not careful."  Fox nodded in understanding. "Why does Almeria hate me so much? Ever since she got her she says I am worthless and that I am just an earthling. Tigon says I am a Prince, but I don't feel like one." He sighed deeply and sat on the couch.
ok this was a random thing i came up with one night. i am not sure if i will continue it, if u want me to just let me know.
© 2010 - 2024 ElviraTepes
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claudedawg's avatar
OMG I LOVE THIS! it is so interesting u have to write more! Please!!!!!!!!!